Fish People tells the stories of a unique cast of characters who have dedicated their lives to the sea. This beautifully filmed documentary is one in a series produced for Patagonia Films.
Plastic-free July may have come and gone, but we are all for highlighting the…
Belinda Baggs, Kimi Werner and Jarrah and Wayne Lynch set out on a grand expedition to explore Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. They spent two weeks sailing and diving on the reef, observing the reef’s condition. The Reef Beneath is a film based on their experiences and discoveries which shows just how delicate the Reef is.
Watch their short film online and get a more in-depth story from Wayne himself.
Intersectional Environmentalist, Leah Thomas joins Watershed Chats by Waterpeople Podcast to discuss ways to…
Patagonia’s Javier Soler, an agricultor and Agronomist, was inspired by natural processes to produce real and conscious food after seeing from the inside, the impact generated by industrial methods of growing “food”.
He now he seeks to demonstrate the economic, social and cultural viability of regenerative farms in the Aysén Region.
Watch Kimi Werner’s journey in Lessons from Jeju, where she learns about motherhood, culture, diving and providing from South Korea’s mothers of the sea, the Haenyeo. “The world doesn’t seem to embrace how badass motherhood is,” says Kimi.