Will the SailGP rival the America’s Cup as was hoped? The first ever edition of the SailGP was held in Sydney Harbour early in Feb. The GP is a spin off of the 35th America’s Cup, and is sailed on updated F50’s. The changes to the F50’s mainly include a revised hydraulics system making them the worlds world’s most technologically advanced catamarans. There’s no doubt that these ’50’s are fast, but is it a case of we’ve seen this before?
Americas Cup
South African sailor Mark Sadler was in Cape Town recently to compete in the Cape 31 Invitational Regatta with Team Orion from Hong Kong. Sail + Leisure caught up with him to find out why he’s been hooked on sailing for 36 years and how he manages his career with one foot on the ground and the other on a boat.
Paul Standbridge, one of the most talented and experienced sailors the UK has ever produced , remains a force to be reckoned with in the international sailing arena. Sail + Leisure chats to this sailing hero.
AS IT TURNS OUT, SOCCER’S LOSS WAS SAILING’S GAIN. If fate hadn’t decided otherwise, Marc…
And here it is… the big reveal of the next edition of the America’s Cup Class boat.
The concept for the AC75, the class of boat for the 36th America’s Cup has finally been made known.