A favourite on the local sailing calendar, the Mykonos Offshore regatta went ahead despite the challenges of hosting an event during a pandemic.
A firm favourite
Run by Royal Cape Yacht Club, “the Mykonos”, as she is affectionately known, is the biggest offshore race in Africa. This year 54 boats started the 31st edition and headed to Club Mykonos, Langebaan on the West Coast.
The regatta consists of a 60 mile race from Cape Town to Langebaan on day 1 and a Bay race on day 2. The 21 mile pursuit race is set around the bays and islands off Langebaan and Saldana. Both race results are combined to reach an overall result.
Traditionally the race from Cape Town to Langebaan has always been a downwind dash, but the past few years have offered unfavourable Northerly and SW winds. Sailing a 60 mile race into the wind is not much fun, especially for the smaller, slower boats.
For the speedsters though, the race to Club Mykonos has always been about who takes line honours. This year it was going to be between TNT’s Phoenix and Phil Gutches’ Windpower 11. But the speedy Cape 31’s also threw their hat in the ring this year, keeping the big boys on their toes.
But it’s not only the ‘fast boats’ who battle it out, every boat measures themselves against the competition (whether on handicap or not), while the cruisers take advantage of a scenic trip along the West Coast.
The Club Mykonos Marina is always vibey when the boats raft up alongside each other for the weekend. The prize giving is held on the terrace, which in the past has been attended by close to 1000 people. This is always followed by good food and a good party!
Cape 31’s speed ahead
The first boat across the line at 16h04 was the TP52, Phoenix. Just over an hour later the four Cape 31s arrived in quick succession with all of them finishing within four minutes of each other. Lance Burger and his crew on CuAl6 won the race on handicap, with Davey James on Orion DYP in second and Greg Davis sailing Ullman Sails Racing Scud was in third. Philip Baum on Nemesis was only 44 seconds behind Davis. Ullman Sails Racing Scud was sailed in honour of Geoff Grylls, who passed away a few weeks ago.
In Class B the FBYC yacht, Alegria, skippered by Ant Wentworth, took first place followed by Sebastian Harinbouck on Jiwo and then Tin Tin, with Di Hutton-Squire and Peter Hill in charge.
Four multi-hulls took part this year and the order of finishing was Klaus Wiswedel on Sulanga then Kevin Webb’s Banjo followed by Sea Biscuit co-skippered by Craig Middleton and Anthony Bissett.
As is often the case, many of the slower boats retired early.
Cape 31’s speed ahead
The first boat across the line at 16h04 was the TP52, Phoenix. Just over an hour later the four Cape 31s arrived in quick succession with all of them finishing within four minutes of each other. Lance Burger and his crew on CuAl6 won the race on handicap, with Davey James on Orion DYP in second and Greg Davis sailing Ullman Sails Racing Scud was in third. Philip Baum on Nemesis was only 44 seconds behind Davis. Ullman Sails Racing Scud was sailed in honour of Geoff Grylls, who passed away a few weeks ago.
In Class B the FBYC yacht, Alegria, skippered by Ant Wentworth, took first place followed by Sebastian Harinbouck on Jiwo and then Tin Tin, with Di Hutton-Squire and Peter Hill in charge.
Four multi-hulls took part this year and the order of finishing was Klaus Wiswedel on Sulanga then Kevin Webb’s Banjo followed by Sea Biscuit co-skippered by Craig Middleton and Anthony Bissett.
As is often the case, many of the slower boats retired early.
In pursuit
Phoenix was first across the line followed by Windpower II and the Cape 31, Orion DYP.
The final results for the weekend had Lance Burger winning overall in Class A and Alegria winning Class B. The top multi-hull was Banjo.
Check out all the results here.
Archangel skipper, Sibu Sizatu (Royal Cape Yacht Club Academy) won the Garmin GMI/GNX Wind Sail Pack 52 – Marine wired Transducer with two LCD display in the lucky draw.
An event of this size cannot happen without the support of sponsors. Royal Cape Yacht Club would like to thank: